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TEMAT: Mamy nowego chetnego na szkolenie lotniowe

Odp:Mamy nowego chetnego na szkolenie lotniowe 2008/07/02 17:34 #2004658

  • Smyk
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  • Wylogowany
  • Pilot 100+
  • Pilot 100+
  • Habet et musca splenem
  • Posty: 1600
  • Oklaski: -5
  • Otrzymane podziękowania: 59
A w sumie to jest na licencji GNU, to moge kopiować ;)

Wing structure:
entirely flexible, with shape maintained purely by the pressure of air flowing into the wing in flight and the tension of the lines
Hang gliders
supported on a rigid frame which determines its shape and thus does not collapse in turbulence

Pilot position:
sitting ‘supine’ in a seated harness, either open or cocoon-style
Hang gliders
usually lying ‘prone’ in a cocoon-like harness suspended from the wing. Seated, and \'supine\' are also possible

Speed range (stall speed – max speed):
slower – hence easier to launch and fly in light winds, can get into trouble when winds pick up, poor wind penetration and no pitch control, cannot dive for speed
Hang gliders
faster – much faster, up to 90+ mph, hence easier to launch and fly in stronger conditions with better wind penetration, and can out run bad weather, full pitch control

Glide angle:
poorer glide performance makes long-distances more difficult: 286 mile record
Hang gliders
better glide performance enables longer-distance flying: 435 mile record


smaller space needed to land, offering more landing options from cross-country flights. Also easier to carry back to the nearest road
Hang gliders
longer approach & landing area required, but can reach more landing areas due superior glide range

cheaper but less durable
Hang gliders
more expensive but more durable

quicker to get ‘into the air’ with most skills learned in the air; flying tandem with an instructor is rarely necessary during instruction
Hang gliders
basic control skills are learned in ground school, and in flights close to the ground prior to high flights;


pack smaller (easier to transport and store); lighter (easier to carry); quicker to rig & de-rig
Hang gliders
more awkward to transport & store; longer to rig & de-rig

Edytowany przez: smyk, w: 2008/07/02 17:35

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