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TEMAT: Podwieszenie w ATOSach

Podwieszenie w ATOSach 2015/01/21 21:06 #2016856

  • Andrelo
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  • Posty: 1347
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  • Otrzymane podziękowania: 35
Info dla (potencjalnych) posiadaczy nowych ATOSów (się namnożyło sztywniaków ostatnio B) ).
Uwaga na podwieszenie:

W nowych ATOSach w związku ze zwiększeniem obwodu kila taśma podwieszenia jest na tyle krótka, że jej zapętlenie może się wyśliznąć. Pilot podwiesił uprząż pod pętlę jedynie przechodzącą tylko przez rzepa na kilu i myślał, że wszytsko jest OK bez testu podwieszenia - efekt był taki jak na wideo. Taśma nie była zapętlona i się wyśliznęła z rzepu.


Dobrą informacją w całej sytuacji jest to, że nikt w tym przypadku szczególnie nie ucierpiał - ani pilot, ani lotnia.

"You might have heard from Sven about this issue (and probably about the others) but I would like to stress the need for a public factory recommendation and some small changes to the hang loop's design. As you may already know, what happened to me was that, after changing the hang loop for a shorter one, the "self lock" became accidentally undone while changing the flap rope. As a result, the hang point was only connected to the glider by the Velcro part. The velcro was strong enough to take the weight of my harness (I always hook in the harness first before putting it on) but not strong enough to take my weight. Maybe this could have been detected by doing a real hang-check or maybe the Velcro could have held long enough to stand the hang-check but not the stress of the flight. What finally happened is that the Velcro gave off during take off and the glider just flew away without me. I didn't hurt myself and the glider suffered minor damages only. So, by all means, it's a happy ending story but if the Velcro would have resisted my weight just for a few seconds, I would not be writing this message to you.

Nothing needs to be done to my glider, since I already put a small safety string to hold the hang loop closed when not under tension, but please consider taking some action on this issue that, as far as I know, affects most of the Atos models."

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